I’ve been spending a lot of time with trees recently.
This all started with a request I received, to draw trees for postcards that would raise money to support the community of Yamagata with their annual snow festival. Thank you Adam! My parents have always been tree lovers – one of them’s a tree hugger! – and it’s been wonderful to share these drawings with them, too.
The other night, during drinks with friends, the conversation turned political. It’s happening more these days and I’m always surprised by how quickly the atmosphere gets heated. I went home feeling sad and thought things over.
The following day, I walked over to the park and spent time under a plum tree. I’m beyond grateful for Tokyo’s beautiful parks and for how much comfort trees can bring. Even just a few minutes can work wonders.
Drawing, as ever, helping me digest daily life. Slowing things down to give myself enough reflective time. To take a breath and work things out for myself first. I was thinking about how before, when there were only newspapers, we were able to read the news, fold it up and think on it over the course of the day.
Nowadays, with information and engagement being 24/7, it’s so easy to get carried away in the rush of information overload and immediate reaction. Taking time drawing this little plum tree, with the very first blossoms of the year, helped me more than I can say. In terms of dealing with that heated conversation and reflecting on my reaction to it. It allowed me valuable time to carefully consider all sides of the conversation and prepared me for ones to follow.
Speaking of blossoms…
Blossom Blast 2017
Delighted to have been invited to host a female empowerment workshop for Blossom Blast 2017. Held at Ultra Super New Gallery in Harajuku, this trail blazing art event focuses on International Womens Day (March 8th) and What It Means To Be A Woman. My workshop will be on the 16th from 7:30pm and part of an incredible collaboration of artists. More Details Here
Workshop Information: “What does female empowerment look like?” / デイヴィヤ・マリ・加藤のワークショップ女性エンパワーメント体験ワークショップ
People talk about female empowerment, but what does it mean to be empowered? What does that look like? How can an average person implement empowerment into their everyday lives? Whether you are a career driven woman or a stay at home mother, all walks of life are encouraged to participate in this workshop. Artist Divya Marie Kato will guide you on an unexpected journey on how to harness doubts and express your true inner beauty like never before.
「女性エンパワーメント」って言葉よく聞くけど、実際にはどういうものなの?考え方として毎日の生活に取り込むってどうしたらいいの?専業主婦のお母さんからバリバリのキャリアウーマンまでどんな方でも「女性エンパワーメント」とはどういうものなのか、是非体感しに来て下さい。アーティストのデイヴィヤ・マリ・加藤さんを講師としてお招きして、個々の内面のバリアを打ち壊してインナー・ビューティーを表現していける方法を楽しくクリエティブにガイドして頂きます。Date: March 16th, Thursday Time: 7:30pm ~ 9:30pm
Tree Time.
Lessons From The Park on… Diversity
I attended a BCCJ (British Chamber in Japan) and British Council presentation on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and later found out that the thousands of trees that make up Meiji Jingu forest – about 365 different species – were donated by people across Japan when the shrine was made. It’s not a natural forest – the trees have learned to live together and it became a self sustaining forest. Thanks again, Adam!
Lessons from the park on…Overcoming Odds.
Meeting the oldest man in Tokyo…
A ginkgo tree about 800 years old called 逆さ銀杏 Sakasa Icho. The tree lives in Zenpuku-ji, the second oldest temple in Tokyo after Senso-ji, which was established in 824, almost 1200 years ago. Remarkably, the tree survived the bombings of the Second World War and has scars alongside new growth and a new friend – a small palm that has taken root in its trunk. Read a wonderful article about the tree by Ibazela here
Happy February all. Make some time to sit under a tree. And let me know where your favourite one is: info@divyamariekato.com
Ever Draws,
ps And for the best thing I’ve seen all week? For a fabulous lesson on remembering the importance of play and being yourself click here
In my last post… Learning For Cheer, In A New Year Click Here
Drawing Classes & Workshops 2017
Class 2 last week! ***New Year Course Booked*** Spring Course Registration Open: info@divyamariekato.com
“My art teacher Divya taught me so much! My door of happiness opened thanks to her lesson. It’s more than just drawing. It’s magic!!! It’s totally worth experiencing this new world. So beautiful!”
– Megumi Hagiuda, Afrika Rose Tokyo
“It’s 2017 and I am back to draw!!! It’s been a while…anyone living in Tokyo wanting to take up a drawing class, Divya Marie Kato’s drawing class maybe the perfect choice!”
– Alicia Naruse, Paradiddle Lifestyle Tokyo
冬レッスン: ***Fully Booked***
春レッスン: 4/4, 4/18, 5/9, 6/6, 6/13 ***Registration Open: info@divyamariekato.com***
秋レッスン: 9/21, 9/26, 10/10, 10/24, 11/7 ***Check For Updates***
私の大好きな先生divya💖 Details Here
Hi, I’m Divya and I’m a British artist in Tokyo helping people reignite creativity at home and at work through drawing. Classes & Workshops will start up again from January 24th 2017. New Year Course Fully Booked. Spring Course Starts April 4th 2017. Details here or email me at: info@divyamariekato.com
As adults, we often lose sight of our creativity:
Always wanted to draw, but think you’re not good enough?
Did you draw before when you were a kid, but now you’ve left it behind?
Heard all these great things about creativity and drawing and how it helps you release stress, problem solve, spark ideas…but you don’t know where to start or it’s been a while?
Well, did you know that drawing’s the easiest way to get it back?
Through drawing, we can rediscover our creative selves and receive inspiration, happiness, creativity and joy in the process. Drawing’s also frequently used in forms of art therapy, personal and professional development, for its cathartic, stress releasing and idea sparking properties.
Hi I’m Divya and I help people reignite creativity through drawing. I’ve been drawing my whole life and have been sharing drawing, in some form or other, for the same amount of time. I get assigned by TEDx to host workshops, by companies like LUSH to highlight issues they care about through creative events, by the British Chamber of Commerce in Japan to take part in creative community aid work, by For Empowering Women in Japan to host creativity workshops, by Dokkyo University to empower their international students through creativity classes and by Tokyo Helps to raise money for community relief fundraising campaigns.
Years of experience teaching within the international school environment, have familiarised me with what’s good and what’s not so good about our education system. Being raised around the world, meeting people from all walks of life, has made me into someone who lights up around others.
I’ve coached preschoolers to students to adults and have held countless live painting events, community events, classes and workshops. Why? I love the light up moments. When faces light up in recognition of what they’ve created.
Been a while? Believe you can’t? The biggest renewable resource available to us, is one that doesn’t get given enough attention at school or at work.
From idea sparking to stress relief, team building to highlighting important issues, discovering purpose, motivation and daily joy – creativity is the one thing that no one can take from you and the one thing that only increases the more the you use it.
Pick up a pencil. Start and see. I’ll show you how. Click Here For A Video On What You’ll Learn
Wanna dip your toe in? Click here
Wanna join us for classes or workshops? Head here for classes and here for workshops
Can’t find what you’re after? Get in touch with me right here: info@divyamariekato.com
And…things just got even better! Want us to bring creativity to your home or office?
Divya’s now partnered with her husband, Masahiro Kato, to be able to deliver workshops bilingually. The British-Japanese husband and wife team are combining their shared experiences of creative living around the world, in order to being creativity to your home or workplace.
These are workshops with a difference and the experience will be an unforgettable one for your family or for your team. Creativity workshops click here