“To aid life, leaving it free, however, to unfold itself, that is the basic task of the educator”
Maria Montessori
Italian Physician, Educator and First Woman to become a Doctor of Medicine

Divya Marie Kato. Tokyo-Based Artist. Drawing School Tokyo.
Tokyo-Based Artist. CEO Atelier Kato Tokyo. Founder, When In Doubt, Draw.
“To aid life, leaving it free, however, to unfold itself, that is the basic task of the educator”
Maria Montessori
Italian Physician, Educator and First Woman to become a Doctor of Medicine
“Amazing artwork from Divya. I ordered, somewhat on a whim, a flag from artist Divya Marie Kato. The remit: a union jack that looks like your work. The result far, far exceeded expectation. Worth every yen, as she is. The one to watch.”
Sarah Everitt Furuya, President, FEW (For Empowering Women, Japan)
Ever wanted to draw but are too embarrassed to do so?
Loved art at school but stopped to get into ‘real’ life?
Want to slow down and re-connect with creativity in the city?
Hated art at school but still secretly wish you could paint a lovely picture?
First time taking an art class?
“Beginners are best – most artists, most of us, strive to go back to the beginning, to see things as if for the first time – to be open to all possibility and not be hemmed in by experience or what someone said – creativity is and should always be an adventure!” Divya Marie Kato
“I really enjoyed Divya’s art session – it is very easy-going, and you can be as creative as you choose to be. If you are a beginner, Divya’s guidance will help you lose the fear for drawing, and if you are someone trying to improve in some particular areas, she will give you constructive, encouraging feedback to challenge yourself and gain confidence. And all the positive energy and glowing smiles you get by attending the session? … Simply priceless!” Student, Kuki Koibuchi
“Still unsure about whether this is for you or doubting the importance of creativty? Head on over to my ‘Inspiring Stories’ page to read more about how drawing and creativity have helped so many and how they can help you too.”
“And of you tell me that you can’t draw, I won’t believe you!”
(Yes, that is a challenge. Go on, take me up on it)
A Collaboration in Celebration of 2012 Year of the Dragon
Photography: Peter Blake, Sound Track: ‘Chrysalis’ Written & Performed by Sorcha Chisholm, Editor: KAGA Japan, Artist: Divya Marie Kato
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[youtube width=”500″ height=”344″]http://youtu.be/yYNv_NpAG6Y[/youtube]
A handcrafted, 22 page e-book, made by me to get you started. It's fun, free and you just need to start with one line!
Continue drawing in person at Atelier Kato Tokyo or wherever you are via my online drawing school.
Happy sketching! Divya x
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A beautiful, handmade 22 page e-book delivered straight to your inbox
Learn how to approach the blank page
Learn how to see differently
Step 1 & Divya's top drawing tip
Practice exercises
Drawing superpowers
Inspiring short film: Drawings For Stories
All the latest on exhibitions, events, classes, workshops and Art For Hope stories to uplift and inspire