Day 4: Hopefully, you have discovered at least one or two superpowers that you have. They could even be something that you didn’t know existed until now! I want you to write down what these are and how these superpowers will help you to realize your dream of living the freedom lifestyle. – Natalie Sisson, The Suitcase Entrepreneur, 10 Day Blog Challenge 2016
From Blank Page. To Wherever You Want To Go.
As this post is about superpowers, I’ll write today about how I discovered mine. And share with you the opening lines of a book I’m working on all about them. This is the first time I’m sharing this.
“We’re getting a divorce.”
There were a lot of things to listen to in my childhood. As there were for you, I’m sure. The thing is, eventually, all these things wind up somewhere; last summer’s sand lining the stitches of coat pockets. Small. Unseen. Undetected. And with time, as splinters in skin, with no visible trace, they make themselves known.
“It’s cancer.”
“We’re bankrupt.”
“I think we should break up.”
“I don’t know where your father is.”
There were many more things to listen to afterwards. Most of the time I just felt angry. I raged with deep disappointment. A disappointment that had to be corked and confined. And so I spent most of my time hell bent on one thing: art class. I desperately yearned for expression. A space to vent and let loose, without worrying about whether I was going to upset someone. I discovered the Renaissance. Titian. Tintoretto. El Greco. Larger than life pieces crammed edge to edge with movement, power and expression. Then, I discovered Caravaggio. And, just like that, I learned how to embrace darkness with light. And why we need both.
My sketchbook was with me through my parents’ fights and bitter divorce. Throughout the absence of my father and having our home repossessed. Through bankruptcy and leaving my friends at the time I needed them most. Through building a new life and making new friends at a new school. Through the heartbreak of my first love. Through visits to the hospital.
And, out the other side, throughout the healing, recovery process and reunion.
Call it genes. Call it timing. Call it environment. Call it a Bombay mix of all three. Early experiences had shown me something. Without a doubt, I knew I always had a friend. And a way of moving forward.
Looking back, I find that I’ve literally drawn myself out of and through many of life’s ups and downs, all over the world to the life I’ve built here in Japan. And life keeps happening. There are many, many more things to hear. But now I always know that in times of pain, stress, hurt and doubt – when sad or stuck or suffering – I can call on my superpower, drawing, to help me create something else from it all. I can move forward.
My superpower is creativity. And sharing it with others in as many ways as I can think of. It helps me realise my dream of living a freedom lifestyle a drawing at a time. With each new project I try, I always start with a blank page. I have no one or nothing to follow. But this intention gives me, as author, Srinivas Rao, describes, an inner compass. I’m here to share creativity as a way of processing the wild ride of human experience. And the biggest lesson? Creativity is a superpower we all have in common.
This is day 4. If you found this useful, do come back again for my response to Challenge 5. Best wishes for a good week ahead friends, back soon, DMK x This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 4
Previous 10 Day Blog Challenge Posts
Day 1: DMK’s Challenges Click here or on the pic above
Day 2: DMK’s Why Click here or on the pic above
Day 3: DMK’s Perfect Day Click here or on the pic above
Hi, I’m Divya and I champion the arts for speaking a universal language that inspires and influences change. I share drawing as a way to keep moving forward with purpose and presence and recently married my best friend. We live in Tokyo, Japan. Best way to keep in touch is here on Instagram:

Divya Marie Kato | “When in doubt, draw”