Day 10: I want you to think back to the journey you’ve been on in the last 10 days. I encourage you to read through all your posts to celebrate all that you’ve written, learned and experienced as part of this daily blog challenge. And in today’s blog post, I want you to write about:
- What you enjoyed most about your experience of taking part in the blog challenge
- Your favorite challenge day and why
- The biggest takeaway you’ve had from it
- The next step you’re going to take to make your freedom plan a reality
– Natalie Sisson, The Suitcase Entrepreneur, 10 Day Blog Challenge 2016
“We’re all working together; that’s the secret.” – Sam Walton
It’s the morning of day 10. Heavy rain plays its music outside and I’m here writing with a smile on my face and in my heart. We did it. A community, made up of people from around the world, has been writing together, daily, for the past 10 days. Being a part of this was moving. Knowing that other humans were carving out time to sit down, every day, to create, made me feel part of something. Something bigger. It’s always this feeling that keeps me grounded, motivated and inspired and the experience I enjoyed the most.
“Stop waiting for the perfect day or the perfect moment… Take THIS day, THIS moment and lead it to perfection.”
― Steve Maraboli
My favourite challenge was My Perfect Day because envisioning what life would look like, in such detail, was exciting, fun and rocket fuel for motivation. Yes, details in the day may change, in fact I expect them too as I grow, but the importance of keeping what I’m working towards, and why, clearly in my mind is what will help me the most to get there. With passion, focus and determination. Essential ingredients in a life of ups and downs.
“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” –Vincent Van Gogh
This etching above, which I made at university, is of a boatbuilder’s hands. Created as part of a project exploring the line between art and craft. It’s a series of small marks built up and brought together. There’s a process to it. Time invested in it. Each time I sit down at a blank page, I’m back in that space. Creating small marks on a page that will grow into a drawing. This has been my biggest takeaway from the challenge: the reminder that there is great power in small, consistent action. Small steps, every day, towards your dreams. When we look back at the past 10 days it’s incredible to see what we now have – 10 intimate posts about the adventure of being alive and creating a life and business around our why. The quote I chose there meant a lot too – Gogh was so dedicated, so devoted to his practice, that the amount of attention didn’t dissuade him from creating. To forgo comparisonitis for inspirationitis and keep creating everyday. As we take these steps everyday, we also learn through the practice of doing, how to do things better. We can set up systems, ways of streamlining the process and get into a good rhythm to play forward with.
“The vision must be followed by the venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps – we must step up the stairs.”
– Vance Havner
And we’ve got to keep putting one foot in front of the other! The next step I’m going to take, to make my freedom plan a reality, is to hold to my one, imperfect action from challenge 7 . I’ll continue this forward momentum by creating blog posts about my book, When In Doubt, Draw, until it is finished and out in the world.
Thank you!
Natalie, thank you so much for guiding us through this 10 day journey! I’ve learned so much the past 10 days and it’s been a great experience being given daily challenges to rise up to. Am very grateful to my friend, Helen Iwata, for sharing the challenge with me and others in our Tokyo community, and look forward to meeting up soon to celebrate and share our takeaways. If you ever come to Tokyo, you’ve got friends here Natalie!
Warmest wishes to everyone and congratulations – more emotional than I thought I’d be here! – here’s to keeping at it, every day, until we arrive at our perfect days. I have no doubt that the more people, with more perfect days, is exactly what the world needs most.
Big love & Ever draws, DMK x
This is day 10 – the last one of this challenge! If you liked this and want more, make sure you’re signed up for DMK news (pop your name and email in the cool box to the right or on the bottom) for writings, drawings and news on where I’ll be for events and workshops. Best wishes for a good week ahead friends, big love, ever draws, DMK x
This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 10
Previous 10 Day Blog Challenge Posts
Day 1: DMK’s Challenges Click here or on the pic above
Day 2: DMK’s Why Click here or on the pic above
Day 3: DMK’s Perfect Day Click here or on the pic above
Day 4: DMK’s Superpowers Click here or on the pic above
Day 5: DMK’s Daily Success Plan Click here or on the pic above
Day 6: DMK’s Tribe Click here or on the pic above
Day 7: DMK’s One, Imperfect Action Click here or on the pic above
Day 8: DMK’s Adventure Click here or on the pic above
Day 9: DMK’s Balancing Act Click here or on the pic above
Hi, I’m Divya and I champion the arts for speaking a universal language that inspires and influences change. I share drawing as a way to keep moving forward with purpose and presence and recently married my best friend. We live in Tokyo, Japan. Best way to keep in touch is here on Instagram:

Divya Marie Kato | “When in doubt, draw”